Strategic Cloud Migration of Applications is Not as Simple as Lift and Shift
by Rachelle McLure – Businesses are continuously improving and evolving our application portfolios...
IT Governance is about how the organization makes and enforces IT decisions
by Ashu Bhatia – Time and again for almost any strategic IT initiative, I run into this issue of IT...
Big Data and Master Data: Is there a connection?
By Sam Johnson – The English language has a deceptive air of simplicity. Take the sentence “I need...
Moving Beyond the Hype: Delivering Business Value with Today’s Data and Analytics Technologies
by Rick Skriletz – Due to the constant state of change IT has seen for 30 years, we in IT have...
How Retailers Can Leverage Big Data for Competitive Pricing Insights
by Bob Lambert – Are you taking advantage of the opportunities Big Data provides for monitoring...
Don’t Implement a Data Lake Sandbox Without a Strategy and Roadmap
By Jeff Kish – Today, many Big Data projects begin as technical sandbox projects, intended to help...
Big Data Analytics: Information Management Challenges and Considerations
by Sai Yammada – Businesses want insights and insights require data. Typically, IT Organizations...
Combining Big Data with Closed-Loop Analytics: Enabling a New Age of Insights and Services
by Hassan Faouaz – It’s no secret that great strides have been made in information technology in...
Internet of Things in Healthcare – Bright Spots in an Industry with a Reputation as a Slow Technology Adopter
Healthcare is a late and slow adopter of technology. It has garnered the reputation as being one of...