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Beyond the buzz, do you need a customer data platform?

Make the most of Customer Data, MARTECH, and avoid the shiny new object syndrome.

Beyond the Buzz Do you need a Customer Data Platform eBook

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are the buzz these days. But, are CDPs the panacea for customer data to drive marketing effectiveness? This brief dives into a definitive look at customer data, what CDPs are, their value, their future, as well as implications for selecting a CDP (or not) for a Martech stack. Also, addressed are the differences and comparisons between CDPs and other related data management and marketing technology.

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Beyond the Buzz, Do You Need A Customer Data Platform

An explanation of a customer data platform

illustration of the relationship between marketing, marketing automation, and customer data platforms

What customer data platforms do?

What problem does a CDP solve and what is the value

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Designed to be the “Holy Grail” of marketing tech, a CDP is a specific packaged marketing technology focused on unifying and managing known omnichannel customer data. It also provides an insights engine and various marketing management tools rolled into one easy to use system designed specifically for the marketer to tackle the digital age. The truth in expectation is yet to be seen in results.  There are many factors and alternative approaches. Any firm should be wary of jumping too quickly due to shiny tech syndrome or risk sub-optimization.

Dr. Rob Nelson, RCG Global Services